The picture is implying that people who are not a danger to society are being placed in jail for using a very safe and natural drug. Police are wasting time punishing these people instead of searching for people who are actually criminals. Taxpayers are paying to have there people locked away for doing something to help themselves feel better.
This picture supports my argument that marijuana should be legalized. People who smoke marijuana are not dangerous criminals. If marijuana is legalized, there would be a decrease of people in jail that do not need to be there.
I agree completely agree with you on this. I think alot of money is wasted on keeping marijuana users in jail. I don't think they are a threat to society by any means and there are other matters WAY more important than locking them up. Alot of people say that marijuana is a gateway drug and that it causes deaths and blah blah blah, but that really isn't true. If you smoke marijuana, you cannot die from overdosing like other drugs and the government can put laws against "driving high". And why not use marijuana for medical purposes if it works? This lady probably would not have risked going to jail unless she really felt like she needed it. If the public did its own research rather than forming quick opinions, they would find that there are actually more pros for legalizing than cons.