Many colleges across the United States pass out free condoms to is students. Whether they provided by some type of organization on campus or the college's clinic, college students have access to free condoms. High school students, however, are not so lucky. Less than 5% of all high schools in the United States provide free condoms to its students. Many of these teen's parents also do not provide condoms to their children. The result of such negligence is teen pregnancy. Apparently the general assumption is that teens aren't having sex but with the rising number of teenage pregnancies, school systems should be more sensitive to the issue. An estimated number of 750,000 young girls between the ages of 15 and 19 will become pregnant this year alone. That's 750,000 babies who will have to be taken care of. A great number of these children will need government assistance and then the responsibility will fall on not only these teen parents, but their communities as well. Teens have unprotected sex for a number of reasons. Some of which are as simple as they are just too embarrassed to go into the store and purchase them. Believe it or not, going into a store to purchase condoms can be a very awkward situation for some teens. But they still want to have sex, and they do so, and and there you have it. That's all it takes to bring that baby into the world. I believe that schools systems across America should see this as a rising problem in our country and shoul take action. They shoul provide condoms to their students. Yes, it would be extra money that will come from our tax dollars but it would be much less than what we'd pay to take care of 750,000 babies for 18 years!
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