Sunday, February 28, 2010


These are the helping hands that have polluted over 80% of all lakes and rivers that are now too polluted for fishing, swimming or aquatic life. These are the helping hands that have polluted the drinking water that is responsible for over 250 million cases of water based diseases that have caused 5 to 10 million deaths. These helping hands have freely turned the engines that are responsible for over 60% of all carbon monoxide that goes into the air we breathe every day. These are the helping hands that help farm all the hogs that put the hydrogen sulfide, a gas that causes flu like symptoms in humans that in high concentration leads to brain damage. These are the helping hands that are filling over 80% of all landfills with items that can be recycled. These are also the helping hands that can stop all these problems that are threatening our earth. The power is in our hands. Will you lend a helping hand?

Monday, February 22, 2010

The result of teens having unprotected sex

Many colleges across the United States pass out free condoms to is students. Whether they provided by some type of organization on campus or the college's clinic, college students have access to free condoms. High school students, however, are not so lucky. Less than 5% of all high schools in the United States provide free condoms to its students. Many of these teen's parents also do not provide condoms to their children. The result of such negligence is teen pregnancy. Apparently the general assumption is that teens aren't having sex but with the rising number of teenage pregnancies, school systems should be more sensitive to the issue. An estimated number of 750,000 young girls between the ages of 15 and 19 will become pregnant this year alone. That's 750,000 babies who will have to be taken care of. A great number of these children will need government assistance and then the responsibility will fall on not only these teen parents, but their communities as well. Teens have unprotected sex for a number of reasons. Some of which are as simple as they are just too embarrassed to go into the store and purchase them. Believe it or not, going into a store to purchase condoms can be a very awkward situation for some teens. But they still want to have sex, and they do so, and and there you have it. That's all it takes to bring that baby into the world. I believe that schools systems across America should see this as a rising problem in our country and shoul take action. They shoul provide condoms to their students. Yes, it would be extra money that will come from our tax dollars but it would be much less than what we'd pay to take care of 750,000 babies for 18 years!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Child Molestation

According to child molestation statistics from the Diana Russell Survey of 1978, it was stated that approximately 89% of child sexual cases involve persons known to the child, such as a caretaker or family acquaintance. As seen in my photograph, the adolescent pictured with her hands on the minor's lap is actually apart of the minor's immediate family. It can easily been seen that the young child is afraid of what is going to happen next because of his posture and the crossing of his hands. My photograph is implying that the adults that most children depend on are the main ones who hurt them sexually, therefore causing the minor to think that such actions are acceptable because they know the adult and won't think that they will harm them. I believe this photograph will help support an argument that I might make about my chosen topic because I feel that children who have been molested should have a voice and that child molesters should not be apart of our community.
Lauren Williamon - Pills

Pills, a stethoscope, medical equipment, and a lot of money, items all of which seem to go hand in hand these days. We know almost all medical procedures come with a high price tag, but should we really be paying this much for basic healthcare?

In compliance to the U.S. constitution, our government is required to regulate our medical costs, which often results in prices double what they are today. Currently, they are attempting to control Medicare exclusively, which may end up doing more harm than good. Prices will continue to rise, making it increasingly difficult for people to pay their healthcare bills. Higher costs may be beneficial for our government, since they hold the power to employ their own personal doctors, but the people will have to be wait-listed.

There are so many people that are against the healthcare reform, but we don’t really have a say in whether healthcare is implemented or not. It will cost those in the medical field a great deal of money. Basically the government wants to save money by punishing the wealthy.


In this picture you see a college aged boy being forced under a shower while duck taped to a chair. He is obviously being hazed by a number of people. There are at least 3 people present that are either participating or standing around not doing anything. There is the guy next to him, who probably was the one that put him under there, the camera man, and the guy laughing that is almost out of the shot. The boy tied up definitely does not seem to be enjoying himself, but the other people find the situation hilarious. The cameraman is demonstrating what is so dangerous about hazing, that even when there are multiple participants it is unlikely that one of them will put a stop to it. By taking this picture he is doing nothing to prevent this hazing. That makes him as guilty as the person that tied him up. Hazing normally takes place with multiple people hazing an individual. The hazers want to show their dominance over the hazie, and that is obviously happening in the picture. The kid tied up is completely powerless. The viewer cannot help but feel sorry for this guy, but unfortunately if this is in a fraternity setting; it is probably not going to be a onetime occurrence. He might have agreed to being hazed like this with the hopes of being accepted into the fraternity. It is upsetting that someone could watch this take place, but instead of helping, taking a picture.

Young Beauty

This picture shows a young beautiful girl. I looked at the picture I thought this little girl was in her preteens. Yet, this young girl is only five years old. Her name is Brianna and she is from a well known show on TLC called “Toddlers and Tiaras”. She is all done up with make-up, full extensions, fake teeth, and a glitzy dress. When looking at the picture someone might say what a beautiful girl and a gorgeous dress, but when you beyond the picture and find out that she is parading herself around in front of judges just to be the most beautiful the excitement is lost.
On this show you get to go into the lives of these people for a couple of days. They show the preparation for a specific pageant, the on stage cat walks, and then the crowing of these young children. These children go through hours and hours of putting on make-up and styling their hair just to go on stage and solely judged on their looks. During the actually pageant they have a routine that they have to remember. God forbid that they forget their routine, so there won’t be disappointed and angry adult ready to take it out on their child. The crowing is the saddest part. Only a certain amount of children can win the crowns. When a child does their best and doesn’t win a crown the look of disappointment on their face is devastating. These young girls that don’t win feel like they are not good enough, like they are lesser than everyone else. That is not the message that we should be sending children as young as 2 and 3.
I feel sorry for some of the young children that are made to do this. They are going to be filled with thoughts of beauty is the only thing that matter and other qualities in a person don’t matter. Also the self image and confidence in the girls can be completely destroyed by these pageants.

What are YOUR chances?

Each year thousands of hopefuls run to the cattle call that we know as American Idol for a chance at stardom. Each, in their own mind, believing they are the next American Idol. They work hard to be noticed and to leave a lasting impression on the judges and the nation (if they make it far enough in the competition). This is the perfect illustration of how the music industry really is. There are countless "hopefuls" in the world that believe they have IT; however, not everyone will be given the opportunity to showcase it.
While the music industry requires no higher level of education or degree, it is not simple to break into and maintain. It is not always entirely based on ones talent, but more importantly the image they portray. There is plenty of talent in the world but the package the talent comes in is not always seen as appealing. This is where the term "sex sells" is derived. Also, those who have made it into the music industry have to constantly reinvent themselves in order to stay "current". They also have to remain awareof everthing they say, do, and even wear.
A careerr in the music industry requires a hectic schedule. Long hours in the studio, rehearsing, traveling, interviews, and much more come witht the title of entertainer. Injuries and sicknesses are not unfamiliar with the music industry. A celebrity also spends long periods of time away from family and loved ones.
This leaves me to question if these hopefuls are aware of these prerequisites for the career they strongly desire. Do they truly realize the sacrifices they have to make in order to live their dream. Do they, like many others, believe this job is going to be easy? What do YOU think?