Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Child Molestation

According to child molestation statistics from the Diana Russell Survey of 1978, it was stated that approximately 89% of child sexual cases involve persons known to the child, such as a caretaker or family acquaintance. As seen in my photograph, the adolescent pictured with her hands on the minor's lap is actually apart of the minor's immediate family. It can easily been seen that the young child is afraid of what is going to happen next because of his posture and the crossing of his hands. My photograph is implying that the adults that most children depend on are the main ones who hurt them sexually, therefore causing the minor to think that such actions are acceptable because they know the adult and won't think that they will harm them. I believe this photograph will help support an argument that I might make about my chosen topic because I feel that children who have been molested should have a voice and that child molesters should not be apart of our community.


  1. It is true that the adult makes the child think that the activity is acceptable. On the other hand children are growing up way too fast. Some and in fact many children are willing to participate in this type of activity with people who are way too old for them. Depending on where you are some communities do not see a problem with this. I do not agree with that perception on the situation. Child molesters not being a part of our community is a good idea but being the fact that they are not known until they participate in the act is very unfortunate.

  2. Child molestation is very common in the world today and it’s so sad that it has to be this way! Not only is it common with small children but I think like every four out of five women are sexually assaulted, rather its rap, molestation, etc. This also happens to males as well but I think people make it seem like it’s not "that" bad if a male is assaulted. It's hurtful in both situations if you ask me and in order for this madness to end we need more victims to start coming forth and speaking out. More victims need to share there stories!

  3. I am very glad you picked this topic because many people do not talk about this issue and push it under the rug. Since child molestion is such a horrible thing I assume people do not talk about it because they do not want to accept the fact that it does happen. By not talking about it more damage is being done becuase children may not realize that it is NOT okay by any means.
